The World of Dyslexia!

Mrs. Barlow and Mrs. Young

Read Live At Home!


Dear students and parents,

We miss seeing you every day and hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourselves.  While you are at home, you can continue to work on your Read Live stories from a computer or ipad.  All you have to do is go to the Read Live website, enter your user name and password and login like you normally would.  We created a login for parents to use so that you can still do your cold timings and pass your stories.  The link and login info are included below.  Please email us if you have any questions!

Mrs. Gee and Mrs. Barlow

Read Live Website:

Account ID:  00013985

Username: Student’s first name and usually a 1

password: 12345


Teacher/Parent Login to pass students: (you will enter this when the Conduct Pass Activities Tab at the top is yellow.)

User ID: Parent

Password: 12345678


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Contact Information

Dyslexia Teachers

Brandi Barlow
Early Literacy/Dyslexia Interventionist
White Oak Primary/Intermediate
(903) 291-2151

Emily Young
Early Literacy/Dyslexia Interventionist
White Oak Primary/Intermediate
(903) 291-2158

George Westbrook
Secondary Dyslexia Teacher

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